Nose Aesthetics

Before the nose plastic surgery, we perform shooting in the studio and computer planning with the patient at the clinic. I measure this plan like an architect and apply it by rasping. As I pay much attention to fine details on the nose, I'm getting natural results. There is no pain in the nose after my nose surgery. I'm doing the nose aesthetics and breathing surgery at the same time. I use general anesthesia. I guarantee both. I use silicone molds with air ducts rather than tampon. The patient can wash his / her face after the operation. The patient is able to eat in three hours and to go home in five hours . Silicones can be removed after three days. If patients come from outside the city three days later, they can return to their own cities, they can open their noses after two weeks. Patients coming from abroad can return to their countries within five days. Even in these case, my guarantee is valid. The risk of my patients being operated again ais very low. Even if such a situation happens, I do not request additional fee, even I pay the hospital costs.

Rhinoplasty is the most beautiful subject of plastic surgery. With the techniques and drugs used, the pain is almost non-existent. You can get information about other subjects in the section of aesthetic surgery. The process is as follows. Before the nose plastic surgery, we make a common decision with the candidate by using own pictures with the computer. This planning phase is very important. I like making natural noses with hollow upper shape and which are not unnecessarily superfluous. After sharing our mutual views, the options can be varied from small interventions with rope under local anesthesia to reshaping all nose compositions. It is important to prioritize the candidate's wishes when creating the surgery plan. For example, if a person says “Yes I have a nose belt but I am happy with my belt. I just want my nose tip to be risen, if s/he is conscious and determined, it can be applied. I aim to create the shape of the nose that fits the patient with blending and selecting hundreds of methods during surgery. Local or general anesthesia can be selected according to the work to be done. I prefer to do general anesthesia with the exception of simple interventions such as rhinoplasty using rope, small rasps and nose fillings. I usually do aesthetic nose surgery without tampons. 

People are able to breathe more comfortably without tampons and do not have fear of pulling tampon. I use outer nose plaster only when the bones are moved to the side. A paper plaster is sufficient whenonly rasp is used for rhinoplasty surgeries. The main task of the nose is to breathe comfortably. Most of my patients have breathing problems too. Breathing problems should be solved during nose aesthetics. The bruise is about the technique to be applied. If the bones on the sides of the bones are large, these bones have to be activated. If this is done, yes, there will be a little bruise. It can be discharged on the day of surgery after nose surgery. If the patient chooses to spend that night in a comfortable hospital room, why not? The common purpose of these methods that I put into practice over the years and other measures that I will tell you during the interview is to make the operation process painless, effortless and recovery as soon as possible. In my small interventions, the process of returning to work should be one day. Of course, the work of the patient determines the process of return. Since the special materials I use on the nose are not affected by the water, there is no drawback that the nose can get wet in the shower the next day. If the bruises have occurred, it disappears within a week. Two weeks after the operation, the nose is fully opened and the general image appears. As the majority of the nasal swelling ends in a month, the beauty of the nose shows up. For the careful eyes, unfortunately there is a six-month waiting period. In this period the details of the nose are sitting. The nose surgery performed in the right hands reaches to the results that make person who is operated, feel special, with no problem, result that hide the surgery outcomes, increases self-esteem and makes them proud of themselves. 

Please find below the questions that I tried to answer which are frequently asked and prepossessed.

The date the content was last updated: 02.01.2025 12:13:25

Frequently asked questions about Nose Aesthetics

You don't have to be afraid. I no longer prescribe painkillers to most patients. Contrary to popular belief, nose surgeries are very less painful. While I was a faculty member at the university, I conducted a scientific study in which I examined the pain in patients who underwent breathing correction and aesthetic nose surgery at the same time. As a result of this study, I saw that as a result of the medication and application technique I used in surgery, eighty percent of my patients did not need to use any pain relieving tablets, and 20 percent of those who took medication were satisfied with one or two tablets.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31

What did you expect them to say? There is a good tradition in our society. Our environment sustains us, loves and supports us with our flaws. Those who love us see our beautiful aspects, not our flaws. It is not easy for someone we love and trust to say "yes dear, I think your nose should be corrected". These words are not perceived as honesty in our country, but as a shame. Remember that maybe your environment is right, not you. In this case, the question you should ask is "How long have I wanted this surgery?" If a sudden event has led you to this thought, do not rush. Your nose and plastic surgeon do not run away. If the idea of rhinoplasty has been in your mind for a long time and you are at the decision stage, then you deserve to meet with your plastic surgeon.

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There is a nose surgery without a tampon. I rarely use tampons in rhinoplasty. In order not to use tampons, it is sufficient to apply some techniques during the surgery. Even if the tampon is left for three days, it makes it difficult for the patient to breathe, swallow and sleep. If you want to understand what the bumper feels like, you can stuff your nose and try to eat. Apart from this, the fear of pulling the tampons is actually more important than the felt while pulling the tampon. Not keeping this fear alive also increases the comfort of the patient. Is it a mistake to use buffers in this case? No it is not. Surgeons who use tampons think that their patients will be better, a short-term tampon is not important. They are right in this regard from their point of view. In short, there is no single truth on this matter either. The important thing is the preference of the patient and the surgeon and the technique to be applied to the patient.

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Yes, it can be, especially in people who have undergone rhinoplasty surgery or those with mild nasal curvature, I make small corrections with filling without even the need for local anesthesia. These people can immediately return to their normal lives. I explained the thread nose aesthetics on his own page. It would be a dream to think that these methods are suitable for every person.

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I want a natural-looking result that suits the person's facial structure, reflects his style, and is in harmony with the other parts of the face. For this, I work hard like any plastic surgeon. Apart from the shape of the nose, I care very much about the shortness of breath. It is very important that our requests are the same with the patient candidate.

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Most of the time, during the pre-surgery conversation with the candidates, the nose that will suit me takes shape in my mind. This is an invaluable time to understand what he wants, to understand his expectations, to examine his whole face, to analyze his gestures, to learn his style. This time spent allows me to understand my aesthetic understanding and personality as well as helping me to get to know him. I think understanding what the other person wants is as important as performing the surgery. I am a plastic surgeon but primarily human. I do not operate on people whose character I don't match. I think this is healthier for both me and the patient in the long term. It is actually a great responsibility and happiness for someone to entrust themselves to us. As with all plastic surgery patients, an operation is the beginning of a lifelong friendship. The more open, honest and honest post-surgery post is, the better it is after rhinoplasty.

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Seeing makes everything beautiful. In computer planning, it is the point where my verbal sharing with the patient becomes concrete. Did I understand him, did he listen to me well, what would we do better? We answer these questions in computer pictures. It is also useful in determining the routes to be followed in nose surgery. The most important issue for my patients is that the nose to be made is beautiful, natural and understated. On the computer, I also show the procedures I have done for my former patients who have allowed their pictures to be shown to those who want to be nasal aesthetics. Thus, the candidates understand very well what I find beautiful, what I do and why. It should not be forgotten that the best job a surgeon can do is the best job he sees in his own eyes. However, if my aesthetic understanding and the beauty measures of the person in front of me are the same, we decide to have surgery. Otherwise, it would be much more beneficial for both of us not to take this road.

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It would be very good. In this case, I would like to know where the nose is complained and what is expected. I try to get the most realistic and natural result by considering these requests.

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I prefer local anesthesia for simple and short interventions. If I am going to make correction with filling in the nose, it is not necessary. I prefer general anesthesia in terms of both patient comfort and my own working comfort in more comprehensive procedures. Since we also apply local anesthesia during general anesthesia, it is possible to complete the surgery with more superficial and low-dose anesthesia drugs.

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This is one of the first questions that people who start acquiring information on the Internet ask. What difference does it make? If it is cut and sewn correctly, I have not met anyone complaining about the scar after open nose plastic surgery. In addition, the nose is cut at the same length in closed nose surgery. In both surgeries, these cuts are made in an invisible part of the nose and under the nose and it heals very well. The patient does not feel anything in either. In my opinion, performing it with open or closed technique does not affect the patient. The important thing is that the result is good. During my education, I learned the closed surgery technique. Over the years, I have seen that I have got better results in open surgery and that I can do much finer work by seeing the tissues in open surgery. That's why I prefer closed technique if I am doing simple works and open technique if I am doing detailed works. This is the surgeon's choice as in all aspects of plastic surgery. There are plastic surgeons who get very good results with both methods. I think the thought that those who do open surgery are more successful or those who do closed surgery are more masters is very inappropriate. The important thing is that the nose is natural and beautiful and the breath is open. You can ask your own plastic surgeon which method he prefers.

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My biggest capital is analysis, evaluation and planning. I'm so used to this that I love to evaluate the nose with the whole face and draw out the detailed plan to do. What should be done if the patient wants part of this plan, not all? In this case, I'll go back to the first question. Why am I doing this surgery? The answer is to beautify the patient. The second question is good for whom and for what? First for the patient, then for me. In all our books, golden ratios, numerical fractions and beauty formulas are explained in detail. These proportions show the way to reach beauty, but they are not sufficient. Beauty cannot be measured with numbers and exact lines, and it cannot be simplified. We come to the third question then why does the patient want such a limited intervention? Even if you plan a very detailed surgery for the patient, it may be much more important for the patient to return to work after two days, or to take care of their child at home. Even if these are not, the patient may very much like the belt of his nose and see it as a memory from his mother. He just wants a simple intervention where the tip of the nose is corrected. I find that many patients who want simple intervention are afraid that the results will be bad if the business grows. I also try to respect the patient's fears. In this case, I show the patient what kind of a result the surgery he wants will create and what will and will not be improved by showing the patient on the computer program and on himself. If the patient is determined in his request, he replies, "Yes, this is exactly what I want." If I think that the small intervention we planned will make the patient better, I do whatever he wants. If the patient is not satisfied with the simple nasal aesthetic plan he wants, then we think a little more together and make a new plan to follow in the nose surgery.

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No. It is decided to mobilize the bones according to the patient's nose shape, preference, expectations, and the surgeon's plan. In cases where nasal bones need to be activated, this process is already done with millimetric fine tools. It is a good method to correct the ridge of the nose with a nail file alone. I think I do more fine work with rasping. This is entirely the surgeon's choice. There are many plastic surgeons who get very good results by breaking the back of the nose with a chisel. While they get good results, they say why should we make changes and they are right.

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In cases where the nose is wide and the nasal bones need to be narrowed, the eyes turn a little purple. If the nasal bones are not activated on the sides, bruising will be much less. All plastic surgeons like me use various methods and medicines to minimize these bruises and swelling. Surgery that respects tissues, avoiding unnecessary lengthening of the surgery, application of ice during and after the operation are some of these methods. Bruising is not only due to the surgeon, but also to the patient's structure. Aspirin, painkillers, herbal teas, herbs, which dilute the blood taken before the surgery, cause more bleeding and bruising. Although it seems insignificant, unnecessary medication should not be used, especially one week before the surgery, and all medications used should be shared with the plastic surgeon. Although it does not look nice on the eyes, the bruises disappear spontaneously within a week or two when the nose is fully opened. In the meantime, patients who start work early or enter social life can look more beautiful with concealer makeup.

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Nose surgery is done for the patient and his environment to appreciate. After the operation, lovers wonder. Those who are jealous look for a handle to wear. Comments begin before the plaster is released and these comments do not end. Unfortunately, it is necessary to wait for a while to see the result other than simple nose surgeries or nose thread aesthetics. Most of the patients spend all their days in the hands of the mirror wondering how it happened. This is a very natural patient psychology, but the naughty nose has its own healing schedule. You have to be patient. Two weeks after the operation, the shape of the nose is roughly clear. By the end of four weeks, eighty percent of the swelling has gone down and the nose is now visible. After that, the fine details sit down. It takes about six months to a year for the nose shape to fully fit. The top quarter of the nose takes its full shape in three months, the second quarter in six months, the third quarter in nine months, and the bottom and most important part of the nose in twelve months. This period is much shorter in patients with thin skin.

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Especially in the first month, he should pay attention to severe strokes. I suggest not wearing heavy glasses for too long up to three months. Oddly enough, children hit their mothers' nose the most, but I've never seen these bumps hurt. It never happened to any of my patients, but traffic accidents or severe bumps could damage the nose. In these cases, deformities, bleeding, breaking sounds occur. There is no need for panic. Most of these problems are solved with a simple intervention that your plastic surgeon will do in a few days. In such a case, contact your plastic surgeon without haste but without delay.

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The nose goes down a little bit with the reduction of swelling in months. The nose tip can be easily prevented by applying the right surgical techniques.

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Every surgery has risks. After aesthetic nose surgery, the results may not be as desired. Such a situation can happen to any surgeon. In these cases, many surgeons seek to treat their patients again. It is ideal to wait six months to a year to do the second intervention. If this situation occurs, it is useful to talk clearly about how your surgeon will act, without the first surgery. In such cases, if you do not want your surgeon to be operated again, you do not have to despair. In cases where the desired result cannot be obtained in the first surgery, the nose can be made more beautiful with the second surgery. Many plastic surgeons enjoy performing these challenging surgeries.

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Your aesthetic surgeon determines the costs of nose surgery according to the procedures to be performed. The prices of non-surgical rhinoplasty using filling and other nasal surgery fees differ. You can get information from your plastic surgeon for nose aesthetic prices.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31


Nose Surgery and Midline Perforation in the Nose

Nose Surgery and Midline Perforation in the Nose

Every week, I give information about aesthetic surgery with Burcu Esmersoy in the weekend program. The subject of this section is Nose Surgery and I gave information about the problem and treatment of nasal midline perforation (septum perforation).

Nose Aesthetics and Nose Surgery

Nose Aesthetics and Nose Surgery

We talked with Burcu Esmersoy about Nose Aesthetics and Nose Surgery in the Weekend Program

Nose Aesthetics and Septum Perforation

Nose Aesthetics and Septum Perforation

Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Volkan Tayfur talks about the curiosities about 'Nose Aesthetics and Septum Perforation' in the Weekend program with Burcu, presented by Burcu Esmersoy.

Concerns About Nose Aesthetics

Concerns About Nose Aesthetics

You can watch our informative video where Dr. Volkan Tayfur answered your questions about nasal aesthetics, Ankara Aesthetic Surgeon and contact us for detailed information about rhinoplasty.

Dr. Volkan Tayfur - Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Uzmanı