Oil Injection

Fat transfer is a rapidly developing subject in aesthetic plastic surgery. Defects in many parts of the body are corrected by the fat tissue taken from the person. As the age progresses, there will be collapses and thinning. With the reduction of fat, the skin becomes wrinkled. With these fat transfer, the face is made younger and more beautiful. The advantage of the method is that there is little bleeding, no scarring, no foreign body is used, and the tissue is soft when touched. Pain is minimal. Excessive fat transfer results in excessive swelling and does not look aesthetically beautiful. Age and face structure should be made in the appropriate decision. Even if we enrich the stem cell, the procedure may need to be repeated up to three times with an interval of nine months. Thereafter no melting occurs. Apart from facial rejuvenation by fat transfer, it has many applications such as nose shaping, breast augmentation, vagina rejuvenation, distorted leg correction, scars correction. Depending on the procedure, local or general anesthesia is preferred.

The date the content was last updated: 02.01.2025 12:13:25

Frequently asked questions about Oil Injection

Unfortunately, fat cells are not intelligent beings. They don't know where to stop. Over the years, a tired expression settles on our faces. Our detentions collapse, the lines deepen. When we can spare time for ourselves after all these efforts, we look for ourselves. We start to look different in photos and in the mirror. Where is the youthful appearance of our youth? Our waist thickens, our hips grow. Why do these oils accumulate in places we don't want and decrease in places where necessary? Most of us are in these feelings. That's why I'm transferring fat. To move the oil where it should be. In addition, breast smallness, crooked legs, unhappy nose aesthetics, a desired surgery to be corrected or a scar of accident can be transferred to the fat transfer. Breast augmentation and leg aesthetics of fat transfer under my own topics I explained in my site. Fat transfer is something that excites me.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31

Fat transfer is done with needles, skin is not cut and no scar remains. It is a bloodless procedure. Since one's own fat cells are used, the tissue fit is excellent. After settling, fat cells continue their normal lives and the result is permanent. Gives a very natural feeling when touched. It also rejuvenates and rejuvenates the skin with a large amount of stem cells carried.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31

A natural, uncompromising, harmonious result should be aimed. Fat transfer requires a fine and patient work. There's no need to inflate the face. The fat injection process is similar to silk carpet weaving. Each node should be put patiently. One knot, another knot if necessary. Each node must be a part of a compatible table, the nodes should not touch one by one hand. A soft image in women, masculine lines should be created in men.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31

During fat transfer, fat cells are taken from where they live for years. They need to feed in their new environment and connect with capillary blood vessels. Each cell cannot succeed and disappears. Even if we enrich it from the stem cell, some of the fat tissue we carry melts. A little more than necessary fat cell transplant is done, but it is not a good solution to put too much, since no one would want to go around with a swollen face until the fats melt. Some people have very little melting, while others need to repeat the fat transfer. After sitting, the cells continue their normal lives and the result is permanent.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31

Ask your plastic surgeon about the fat transfer price. There are so many transactions to be made that fees will change accordingly.

The date the content was last updated: 01.02.2024 09:35:31


Filling Applications and Fat Injection

Filling Applications and Fat Injection

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Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Volkan Tayfur - Fat Injection - Weekend with Burcu

Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Volkan Tayfur - Fat Injection - Weekend with Burcu

Plastic Surgery Specialist Dr. Volkan Tayfur talks about the subject of 'Fat Injection' in the Weekend with Burcu program presented by Burcu Esmersoy.

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Dr. Volkan Tayfur - Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Uzmanı